Ionic Launch Event. September 28th 2021.


Configuring iOS

Configuring Info.plist

iOS developers should get used to working with the Info.plist file, the main configuration file for their app. This file will be updated frequently with new settings that a Capacitor Plugin might require, additional configuration for your app, and for permissions your app will ask for.

In general, the easiest way to modify this file is to open your project in Xcode (npx cap open ios), and edit the file in Xcode’s property list editor. Each settings in Info.plist has a low-level parameter name, and a high level name. By default, the property list editor shows the high level names, but it’s often useful to switch to showing the raw, low level names. To do this, right click anywhere in the property list editor and toggle “Show Raw Keys/Values.”

Underneath the hood, Info.plist is actually a plain XML file and can be edited directly if you desire. In this case, make sure to use the low-level parameter name for the XML <key> values in Info.plist.

Some plugins and SDKs will show settings using the low-level key, and others will use the high level key. Get used to mapping between them.

This list of Cocoa Keys shows many possible configuration options that can be set in Info.plist.

Managing Permissions

Unlike Android, permissions for iOS do not have to be specified in advance. Instead, they are prompted for when using a certain Plugin or SDK.

However, many iOS permissions require what are known as “Usage Descriptions” defined in Info.plist. These settings are human-readable descriptions of each permission the app will ask for.

Consult the Cocoa Keys list for keys containing UsageDescription to see the various usage description settings that may be required for your app.

For more information, Apple has provided a guide to Resolving the Privacy-Sensitive Data App Rejection which contains more information on APIs that require usage descriptions.

Setting Entitlements

Entitlements are used to enable key features that your app may need.

Unlike certain configuration options or usage descriptions, entitlements are configured in a special area inside of Xcode, rather than in Info.plist.

If a plugin requires certain entitlements, open your app in Xcode, click on the name of your project in the left project menu, and select Capabilities in the tab bar.

Renaming the application’s default App name

You can’t rename the App folder, but you can set the name of your app by renaming the “target” called “App”.

In XCode you will see something like this:


Here you can click on the name “App” under TARGET to rename your app.

You then also have to modify the Podfile to rename the current target accordingly:

The default Podfile has an 'App' target, which needs to be replaced with your new name here.

For a complete Deep Links guide, see here.

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